Secure Application
Step 1: Application Information
Step 2: Driver Information

Step 3: Contact Information

Step 4: General Information
I understand that giving false information to procure a voter registration is perjury, and a crime under state and federal law. Conviction of this crime may result in imprisonment up to one year in jail, a fine up to $4,000, or both. PLEASE READ ALL THREE STATEMENTS TO AFFIRM BEFORE SIGNING. I am a resident of the county provided above, and a U.S. citizen; I have not been finally convicted of a felony, or if a felon, I have completed all of my punishment including any term of incarceration, parole, supervision, period of probation, or I have been pardoned; And I have not been determined by a final judgment of a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote. By providing my electronic signature, I understand the personal information on my application form and my electronic signature will be used for submitting my voter’s registration application to the Texas Secretary of State’s office. Wanting to register to vote, I authorize the Department of Public Safety to transfer this information to the Texas Secretary of State.

Yes = Add/Keep my name on the Donate Life Texas Registry (Add/Keep Hero's Heart Symbol). No = Does not add your name to the Registry and does not remove your name if already registered.
Step 5: Driver History Information

Step 6: Vehicle Registration and Insurance Information

Step {( currentStep )}: Payment Information

The billing address and ZIP must match your credit card.

Drivers License Application Guide and Pre-Filling Total: $34.95